AU Core Implementation Guide
0.3.0-ballot - R1 Australia flag

This page is part of the AU Core (v0.3.0-ballot: AU Core R1 Ballot 5) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. . For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions


Page standards status: Informative

The primary intent of the Australian Core Data for Interoperability (AUCDI) is to design and govern a collection of coherent, reusable building blocks known as ‘data groups’. These data groups specify “what” the clinical requirements of the clinical information that should be included for data entry, data use, and sharing of information supporting healthcare delivery. However, it does not specify “how” the data is exchanged; this is the role fulfilled by the FHIR standard. AUCDI is not required to be implemented as a whole single product. Parts can be implemented as required for specific use cases.

AUCDI Release 1 (R1) is focused on an agreement of “the core of the core” common data elements; minimum data required to support standardised clinical information capture at the point of care as well as enable the safe and meaningful exchange of information to other care providers.

AU Core is intended to provide an implementable standard for FHIR based interfaces for provider and patient information systems in Australia​ providing:

  • an exchange standard for AUCDI (the underpinning clinical data model)
  • Data model and RESTful API interactions that set minimum expectations for a system to record, update, search, and retrieve core digital health and administrative information​
  • be built on top of for standards development for specific use cases

With AUCDI defining clinical data requirements and FHIR AU Core providing detailed FHIR-based profiles for meeting clinical data requirements and administrative data requirements, an interpretation of AUCDI is necessary which is undertaken through the community.

Updates to AU Core depend upon community input and we encourage our audience to submit questions and feedback to AU Core specifications by clicking on the Propose a change link in the footer of every page. In addition, we encourage requesting any necessary clarifications to AUCDI through the AUCDI process that helps inform future updates to FHIR AU Core.

AUCDI mappings into AU Core

The table below shows the relationship between the AUCDI Data Groups and Elements and AU Core profiles.

Request for feedback on resource selection and profile mapping for the following AUCDI classes:
- Medication use statement
- Procedure completed event
- Biomarkers

AUCDI Data Class AUCDI Data Element AU Core Profile(s) FHIR Path Comment
Adverse reaction risk summary Substance name AU Core AllergyIntolerance AllergyIntolerance.code
Manifestation AU Core AllergyIntolerance AllergyInterolance.reaction
Comment AU Core AllergyIntolerance AllergyIntolerance.note
Problem/Diagnosis summary Problem / Diagnosis name AU Core Condition Condition.code
Body site AU Core Condition Condition.code
Status AU Core Condition Condition.clinicalStatus
Comment AU Core Condition Condition.note
Procedure completed event Procedure name AU Core Procedure | AU Core Condition Procedure.code | Condition.code For Medical History items, it is difficult to distinguish between history of a procedure and a problem/diagnosis. Feedback is requested on the appropriateness of using either the Condition resource or Procedure resource (or both) to represent a procedure completed event. See the discussion in
Body site AU Core Procedure | AU Core Condition Procedure.code | Condition.code
Clinical indication AU Core Procedure | AU Core Condition Procedure.reasonCode | Procedure.reasonReference[x]
Date performed AU Core Procedure | AU Core Condition Procedure.performed[x] | Procedure.performedDateTime
Comment AU Core Procedure | AU Core Condition Procedure.note | Condition.note
Vaccination administered event Vaccine name AU Core Immunization Immunization.vaccineCode
Sequence AU Core Immunization Immunization.protocolApplied.doseNumber[x]
Date of administration AU Core Immunization Immunization.occurenceDateTime
Comment AU Core Immunization Immunization.note
Medication use statement Medication name AU Core MedicationStatement | AU Core Medication | AU Core MedicationRequest MedicationStatement.medication[x] | MedicationRequest.medication[x] | Medication.code Feedback is requested on the appropriateness of using either the MedicationStatement resource or MedicationRequest resource (or both) to represent a medication use statement. See the discussion in
Clinical indication AU Core MedicationStatement | AU Core MedicationRequest MedicationStatement.reasonCode | MedicationStatement.reasonReference | MedicationRequest.reasonCode | MedicationRequest.reasonReference
Strength AU Core MedicationStatement | AU Core Medication | AU Core MedicationRequest MedicationStatement.medication[x] | MedicationRequest.medication[x] | Medication.code | Medication.ingredient
Form AU Core MedicationStatement | AU Core Medication | AU Core MedicationRequest MedicationStatement.medication[x] | MedicationRequest.medication[x]
Medication.code | Medication.form
Dose amount AU Core MedicationStatement | AU Core MedicationRequest MedicationStatement.dosage.doseAndRate | MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction.doseAndRate
Route of administration AU Core MedicationStatement | AU Core MedicationRequest MedicationStatement.dosage.route | MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction.route
Dose timing AU Core MedicationStatement | AU Core MedicationRequest MedicationStatement.dosage.timing | MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction.timing
Endpoint AU Core MedicationStatement | AU Core MedicationRequest MedicationStatement.effectivePeriod.end | MedicationRequest.validityPeriod.end
Last administration AU Core MedicationStatement | AU Core MedicationRequest Feedback is requested on the potential mapping for this AUCDI element.
Comment AU Core MedicationStatement | AU Core MedicationRequest MedicationStatement.note | MedicationRequest.note
Sex and gender Sex assigned at birth AU Core Patient Patient.extension.where(url='') The Person Recorded Sex or Gender extension is profiled by AU Core Sex Assigned At Birth (RSG) to represent the concept of Sex assigned at birth.
Gender identity AU Core Patient Patient.extension.where(url='')
Pronoun/s AU Core Patient Patient.extension.where(url='')
Tobacco smoking summary Overall status AU Core Smoking Status Observation
Encounter – clinical context Reason for encounter AU Core Encounter Encounter.reasonCode | Encounter.reasonReference
Type of encounter AU Core Encounter Encounter.class
Modality AU Core Encounter
Vital signs Blood pressure Systolic pressure AU Core Blood Pressure Observation
Diastolic pressure AU Core Blood Pressure Observation
Pulse Pulse rate AU Core Heart Rate Observation Feedback is requested on the proposal to clarify how to exchange pulse rate. Please comment on HL7 Jira FHIR-44861.
Body temperature Temperature AU Core Body Temperature Observation
Respiration Rate AU Core Respiration Rate Observation
Measurements Body height Height / Length AU Core Body Height Observation
Body weight Weight AU Core Body Weight Observation
Waist circumference Waist circumference AU Core Waist Circumference Observation
Biomarkers Lipids HDL cholesterol AU Core Diagnostic Result Observation | AU Core Pathology Result Observation | AU Core Biomarker Observation Feedback is requested on the appropriateness of developing a specific AU Core Biomarker profile or to use either AU Core Diagnostic Result or AU Core Pathology Result Observation. Questions or feedback can be posted to See the discussion in
LDL cholesterol AU Core Diagnostic Result Observation | AU Core Pathology Result Observation | AU Core Biomarker Observation
Total cholesterol AU Core Diagnostic Result Observation | AU Core Pathology Result Observation | AU Core Biomarker Observation
Triglycerides AU Core Diagnostic Result Observation | AU Core Pathology Result Observation | AU Core Biomarker Observation
Haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) HbA1c AU Core Diagnostic Result Observation | AU Core Pathology Result Observation | AU Core Biomarker Observation
Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) eGFR AU Core Diagnostic Result Observation | AU Core Pathology Result Observation | AU Core Biomarker Observation
Urine albumin-creatinine ratio (uACR) uACR AU Core Diagnostic Result Observation | AU Core Pathology Result Observation | AU Core Biomarker Observation