AU Core Implementation Guide
0.2.2-preview - Preview Australia flag

This page is part of the Australian Core IG (v0.2.2-preview: AU Core) based on FHIR R4. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Table of Contents

Page standards status: Informative
.. 0 Table of Contents
... 1 Home
... 2 Conformance
.... 2.1 General Requirements
.... 2.2 Must Support
... 3 Guidance
.... 3.1 General Guidance
.... 3.2 Comparison with other national and international specifications
... 4 Profiles and Extensions
... 5 Search Parameters
... 6 Terminology
... 7 Capability Statements
... 8 Examples
... 10 Artifacts Summary
.... 10.1 AU Core Server CapabilityStatement
.... 10.2 AU Core Client CapabilityStatement
.... 10.3 AUCoreClinicalPatient
.... 10.4 AUCoreCoveragePatient
.... 10.5 AUCorePractitionerRolePractitioner
.... 10.6 AUCoreRelatedPersonPatient
.... 10.7 AUCoreSpecimenPatient
.... 10.8 AU Core AllergyIntolerance
.... 10.9 AU Core CarePlan
.... 10.10 AU Core CareTeam
.... 10.11 AU Core Condition
.... 10.12 AU Core Coverage
.... 10.13 AU Core Document Composition
.... 10.14 AU Core DiagnosticReport
.... 10.15 AU Core DocumentReference
.... 10.16 AU Core Encounter
.... 10.17 AU Core HealthcareService
.... 10.18 AU Core Immunization
.... 10.19 AU Core Lipid Result
.... 10.20 AU Core List
.... 10.21 AU Core Location
.... 10.22 AU Core Medication
.... 10.23 AU Core MedicationAdministration
.... 10.24 AU Core MedicationDispense
.... 10.25 AU Core MedicationRequest
.... 10.26 AU Core MedicationStatement
.... 10.27 AU Core Observation
.... 10.28 AU Core Organization
.... 10.29 AU Core Patient
.... 10.30 AU Core Practitioner
.... 10.31 AU Core PractitionerRole
.... 10.32 AU Core Pregnancy Status
.... 10.33 AU Core Procedure
.... 10.34 AU Core Provenance
.... 10.35 AU Core RelatedPerson
.... 10.36 AU Core Specimen
.... 10.37 AU Core Substance
.... 10.38 AU Core Blood Pressure
.... 10.39 AU Core Body Height
.... 10.40 AU Core Body Weight
.... 10.41 AU Core Vitals Panel
.... 10.42 AU Core Oxygen Saturation
.... 10.43 AU Core BMI
.... 10.44 AU Core Body Temperature
.... 10.45 AU Core Respiration Rate
.... 10.46 AU Core Head Circumference
.... 10.47 AU Core Heart Rate
.... 10.48 AU Core Waist Circumference
.... 10.49 AU Core Alcohol Status
.... 10.50 AU Core Health Program Participation Summary
.... 10.51 AU Core Smoking Cease Date
.... 10.52 AU Core Smoking Start Date
.... 10.53 AU Core Smoking Status
.... 10.54 AU Core Estimated Date of Delivery
.... 10.55 AU Core Gestational Age
.... 10.56 AU Core Last Menstrual Period
.... 10.57 AU Core Gravidity
.... 10.58 AU Core Parity
.... 10.59 AU Core BodyStructure
.... 10.60 AU Core System Device
.... 10.61 AU Core Diagnostic Imaging Result Observation
.... 10.62 AU Core Pathology Result Observation
.... 10.63 AU Core Diagnostic Result Observation
.... 10.64 AU Core Assertion of No Relevant Finding
.... 10.65 AU Core ServiceRequest
.... 10.66 AU Core Biological Sex Assigned at Birth
.... 10.67 Lipid Result Reporting
.... 10.68 Pregnancy Status
.... 10.69 AllergyIntolerance - Lactose intolerance
.... 10.70 AllergyIntolerance - No known drug allergy
.... 10.71 AllergyIntolerance - No known allergy
.... 10.72 AllergyIntolerance - Penicillin allergy
.... 10.73 AllergyIntolerance - Dust allergy
.... 10.74 AllergyIntolerance - Wasp venom allergy
.... 10.75 AllergyIntolerance - Egg allergy
.... 10.76 BodyStructure - Right Knee
.... 10.77 BodyStructure - Left Knee
.... 10.78 BodyStructure - Splenic mass
.... 10.79 Bundle - Patient Summary
.... 10.80 CarePlan - multiple chronic conditions
.... 10.81 CareTeam - heart condition
.... 10.82 CareTeam - multiple chronic conditions (part of multiple chronic condition care plan)
.... 10.83 Composition - 2019-Novel Coronavirus PCR
.... 10.84 Composition - Patient Summary (Minimal IPS)
.... 10.85 Condition - Acute myocardial infarction of anterior wall
.... 10.86 Condition - Chronic Kidney Disease (part of multiple chronic condition care plan)
.... 10.87 Condition - Acute coronary syndrome
.... 10.88 Condition - Fever
.... 10.89 Condition - Nail wound
.... 10.90 Condition - Urinary tract infection
.... 10.91 Condition - Neonatal jaundice
.... 10.92 Condition - Cleft palate
.... 10.93 Condition - Cleft tongue
.... 10.94 Condition - Bipolar Disorder
.... 10.95 Condition - Zinc Depletion Syndrome
.... 10.96 Condition - Cellulitis of Right Knee
.... 10.97 Condition - Diffuse B-cell lymphoma of the Brain
.... 10.98 Condition - Vernal keratoconjunctivitis
.... 10.99 Coverage - AAAAAIA HI PTY LTD
.... 10.100 Coverage - DVA Gold Card
.... 10.101 Coverage - Medicare
.... 10.102 Coverage - Selfpay
.... 10.103 Device - MHR system
.... 10.104 Device - Medicare repository service
.... 10.105 DiagnosticReport - Lipid Panel
.... 10.106 DocumentReference - Advance Care Plan
.... 10.107 DocumentReference - Mental health crisis plan
.... 10.108 Encounter - Annual check up 1
.... 10.109 Encounter - Annual check up 2
.... 10.110 Encounter - COVID 19 Vaccine Administration 1
.... 10.111 Encounter - COVID 19 Vaccine Administration 2
.... 10.112 Encounter - Delivery
.... 10.113 Encounter - Discharge 1
.... 10.114 Encounter - in progress emergency
.... 10.115 Encounter - Home Medicines Review
.... 10.116 Encounter - presentation at GP for nail wound
.... 10.117 Encounter - telehealth
.... 10.118 FamilyMemberHistory - Father (part of multiple chronic condition care plan)
.... 10.119 Goal - Systolic blood pressure (part of multiple chronic condition care plan)
.... 10.120 Goal - Weight loss (part of multiple chronic condition care plan)
.... 10.121 HealthcareService - Bobrester Medical Centre
.... 10.122 HealthcareService - Private X-Ray
.... 10.123 Immunization - Australian Immunisaton Register Record of COVID Dose 1
.... 10.124 Immunization - Australian Immunisation Register Record of COVID Dose 2
.... 10.125 Immunization - COVID Dose 1
.... 10.126 Immunization - COVID Dose 2
.... 10.127 Immunization - Administration of Hepatitis B vaccination at birth
.... 10.128 Immunization - Administration of Zoster vaccination refused
.... 10.129 List - Ceased Medicines List
.... 10.130 List - Current Medicines List
.... 10.131 Location - Hospital Site
.... 10.132 Location - Friends Pharmacy
.... 10.133 Location - Physiotherapy Offices - AU Hospital
.... 10.134 Location - Jurisdiction of Australia
.... 10.135 Location - Tindal Building
.... 10.136 Location - Patient home
.... 10.137 Location - Pharmacy building
.... 10.138 Medication - Branded pack with one active ingredient
.... 10.139 Medication - Product with two active ingredients
.... 10.140 Medication - Product with four active ingredients
.... 10.141 Medication - Simvastatin 40 MG Disintegrating Oral Tablet
.... 10.142 MedicationAdministration - self administration lantus injection
.... 10.143 MedicationDispense - First dispense for Reaptan
.... 10.144 MedicationDispense - Second dispense for Reaptan
.... 10.145 MedicationRequest - active prescription, paracetamol 500 mg + codeine phosphate hemihydrate 30 mg
.... 10.146 MedicationRequest - active prescription, Reaptan
.... 10.147 MedicationStatement - practitioner records active use of Bisoprolol 2.5mg
.... 10.148 MedicationStatement - practitioner records active use of Amiodarone 200mg
.... 10.149 MedicationStatement - practitioner records completed use of Aldara 5% cream
.... 10.150 MedicationStatement - practitioner records completed use of Chloramphenicol 1% eye ointment
.... 10.151 MedicationStatement - practitioner records intended use of CoQ10 150mg
.... 10.152 MedicationStatement - practitioner reported previous use of Diflucan
.... 10.153 MedicationStatement - current use of Simvastatin
.... 10.154 Observation - Alcohol status
.... 10.155 Observation - Alcohol status (data absent)
.... 10.156 Observation - Blood Pressure 1
.... 10.157 Observation - Blood Pressure 2
.... 10.158 Observation - Blood Pressure (data absent for diastolic)
.... 10.159 Observation - BMI 1
.... 10.160 Observation - Height 1
.... 10.161 Observation - Length 2
.... 10.162 Observation - Length 3
.... 10.163 Observation - Height 4
.... 10.164 Observation - Temperature
.... 10.165 Observation - Temperature (fever)
.... 10.166 Observation - Body weight 1
.... 10.167 Observation - Body weight 2
.... 10.168 Observation - Body weight 3
.... 10.169 Observation - Body weight (part of multiple chronic condition care plan)
.... 10.170 Observation - Bone Density of Left Femur (pre-coordinated body site code)
.... 10.171 Observation - Bone Density of Left Femur (contained BodyStructure)
.... 10.172 Observation - Urea nitrogen [Mass/volume] in Serum or Plasma (part of multiple chronic condition care plan)
.... 10.173 Observation - Estimated Date of Delivery
.... 10.174 Observation - Gestational age
.... 10.175 Observation - Gravidity
.... 10.176 Observation - Head circumference
.... 10.177 Observation - 12 step alcohol program
.... 10.178 Observation - BreastScreen Australia screening
.... 10.179 Observation - Hearing threshold Ear (left) 500 Hz
.... 10.180 Observation - Heart rate
.... 10.181 Observation - Last menstrual period
.... 10.182 Observation - Last menstrual period (data absent)
.... 10.183 Observation - Cholesterol
.... 10.184 Observation - HDL
.... 10.185 Observation - LDL
.... 10.186 Observation - Non HDL Cholesterol
.... 10.187 Observation - Total Cholesterol/HDL ratio
.... 10.188 Observation - Triglyceride
.... 10.189 Observation - No current medications
.... 10.190 Observation - Oxygen saturation
.... 10.191 Observation - Parity
.... 10.192 Observation - COVID Pathology Result (Not detected)
.... 10.193 Observation - Pregnancy Status (Pregnant)
.... 10.194 Observation - Pregnancy Status (Not Pregnant)
.... 10.195 Observation - Respiration rate
.... 10.196 Observation - Intersex at birth
.... 10.197 Observation - Female at birth
.... 10.198 Observation - Male at birth
.... 10.199 Observation - Smoking quit date
.... 10.200 Observation - Current smoker
.... 10.201 Observation - Smoking start date
.... 10.202 Observation - Vital signs panel
.... 10.203 Observation - Waist Circumference 1
.... 10.204 Organization - AAAAAIA HI PTY LTD
.... 10.205 Organization - Audiology Advanced Hearing Care
.... 10.206 Organization - Bobrester Medical Centre
.... 10.207 Organization - Department of Veterans' Affairs
.... 10.208 Organization - Department of Health and Aged Care
.... 10.209 Organization - Hospitals Australia
.... 10.210 Organization - Hospitals International
.... 10.211 Organization - Retail Pharmacy
.... 10.212 Organization - Services Australia
.... 10.213 Patient - Baby patient
.... 10.214 Patient - Mr. Harry Dan
.... 10.215 Patient - Mrs. Anne Bennelong
.... 10.216 Patient - Ms. Sofia Italia (foreign tourist)
.... 10.217 Patient - Ms. Emma SMITH
.... 10.218 Patient - Mr. Li Wang
.... 10.219 Practitioner - Dr. Bob Bobrester
.... 10.220 Practitioner - Jill Bradley
.... 10.221 Practitioner - Dr. Igist Cardy
.... 10.222 Practitioner - Dr Henry Levin VII (part of multiple chronic condition care plan)
.... 10.223 Practitioner - RNP Nancy Nurse (part of multiple chronic condition care plan)
.... 10.224 Practitioner - Mr Representative Pharmacist
.... 10.225 Practitioner - Dr Peter Primary (part of multiple chronic condition care plan)
.... 10.226 Practitioner - Ms. Sandy Sandyson
.... 10.227 Practitioner - Dr. David Surgeon
.... 10.228 PractitionerRole - Audiologist
.... 10.229 PractitionerRole - General practitioner
.... 10.230 PractitionerRole - Cardiologist
.... 10.231 PractitionerRole - Dietician
.... 10.232 PractitionerRole - General Practitioner (part of multiple chronic condition care plan)
.... 10.233 PractitionerRole - Nephrologist (part of multiple chronic condition care plan)
.... 10.234 PractitionerRole - Registered nurse (part of multiple chronic condition care plan)
.... 10.235 PractitionerRole - Retail pharmacist
.... 10.236 PractitionerRole - Registered nurse
.... 10.237 PractitionerRole - Surgeon
.... 10.238 Procedure - Cryotherapy
.... 10.239 Procedure - Dialysis (part of multiple chronic condition care plan)
.... 10.240 Procedure - Stent insertion
.... 10.241 Provenance - delete a specific document reference version
.... 10.242 Provenance - Signature for advance care plan
.... 10.243 RelatedPerson - Mother of John Smith
.... 10.244 RelatedPerson - Friend of Mr Li Wang
.... 10.245 ServiceRequest - Chest CT order
.... 10.246 ServiceRequest - Chest X-ray order
.... 10.247 ServiceRequest - CT of abdomen and pelvis with contrast order
.... 10.248 ServiceRequest - 2019-Novel Coronavirus PCR order
.... 10.249 ServiceRequest - Lipid Panel order
.... 10.250 ServiceRequest - Left Knee CT with contrast order
.... 10.251 ServiceRequest - Left Knee X-ray order
.... 10.252 ServiceRequest - Right Knee CT with contrast order
.... 10.253 ServiceRequest - Right Knee X-ray order
.... 10.254 Specimen - Naso swab (COVID test)
.... 10.255 Specimen - Serum
.... 10.256 Substance - Atectura Breezhaler
.... 10.257 Substance - Epiglottic mucus (Body Substance)
.... 10.258 Substance - Peanuts (Allergen)