AU Core Implementation Guide
0.2.2-preview - Preview Australia flag

This page is part of the Australian Core IG (v0.2.2-preview: AU Core) based on FHIR R4. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

General Requirements

Page standards status: Informative

The requirements of the FHIR standard and FHIR Conformance Rules apply, and define the use of terms in this guide including the conformance verbs - SHALL, SHALL NOT, SHOULD, SHOULD NOT, MAY.

Implementers are advised to be familiar with the requirements of the FHIR standard when implementing AU Core, in particular:

Conformance Artifacts

AU Core defines the following conformance artifacts:

  • AU Core Profiles that define the FHIR structures supported, the data elements data element definitions, their associated rules of usage including the use of extensions and terminology, and references the additional profiles necessary to assert conformance.
  • AU Core Capability Statements that document the set of requirements for FHIR Server or Client systems to meet when implementing AU Core including the kinds of resources and operations provided and/or consumed by an application.
  • AU Core Implementation Guide (XML, JSON,TTL) that defines the collection of capability statements, profiles, extensions, value sets, and documentation describing a set of interoperable applications that make up AU Core.

Declaring Conformance

There are two different ways to implement AU Core:

  1. only the resources as profiled by AU Core to represent digital health information (Profile Only Support)
  2. the resources as profiled by AU Core to represent digital health information (Profile Support) and the RESTful FHIR API interactions defined for it (Interaction Support)

Profile Only Support

Systems may deploy, and support, one or more AU Core profiles (i.e. the profiles governed by this guide) to represent digital health information. A system that implements profile only support will use a profile’s content model without any expectations to implement AU Core interactions.

A system SHOULD support all AU Core profiles unless the system does not anticipate supplying or consuming a certain type of data, usually by virtue of playing a limited or specialised role in clinical or information workflows. For example, a pathology laboratory may support AU Core DiagnosticReport, but may not support AU Core MedicationRequest.

Profile elements consist of both Mandatory and Must Support elements. Mandatory elements are elements with a minimum cardinality of 1 (min=1). The base FHIR Must Support guidance requires specifications to define the support expected for profile elements labelled Must Support. AU Core defines server and client requirements for profile elements labelled as Must Support on the Must Support page.

Servers that implement AU Core Profile Only Support:

  • SHALL be able to populate all profile elements that are mandatory and/or labelled Must Support as defined by that profile’s StructureDefinition.
  • SHALL specify the full capability details from the AU Core CapabilityStatement it claims to implement, including declaring support for an AU Core profile by including its canonical URL in the server’s or element

Declaring Conformance

Servers that implement Profile Only Support declare conformance to each profile supported:

  • The server hosts a capability statement at [url]/metadata that is available to both authenticated and unauthenticated clients and that declares the profiles supported as either a base profile using or supported profile using

    Example: CapabilityStatement resource for a server supporting the AU Core Patient profile as a system-wide profile that is applied across all instances of the Patient resource:

        "resourceType": "CapabilityStatement",
        "instantiates": [
        "rest": [
            "mode": "server",
              "resource": [
                  "type": "Patient",
                  "profile": [

    Example: CapabilityStatement resource for a server supporting the AU Core Waist Circumference profile as a profile for supported use cases provided by the server:

        "resourceType": "CapabilityStatement",
        "instantiates": [
        "rest": [
            "mode": "server",
              "resource": [
                  "type": "Patient",
                  "supportedProfile": [

Profile + Interaction Support

Profile Support refers to the support of the AU Core profiles, such that the system exposes FHIR resources that adhere to the AU Core profiles’ content model. Interaction Support refers to a system that supports the AU Core RESTful interactions.

Servers that implement AU Core Profile + Interaction Support:

  • SHALL declare conformance with the AU Core Server Capability Statement by including its official URL in the server’s CapabilityStatement.instantiates element:
  • SHALL specify the full capability details from the AU Core CapabilityStatement it claims to implement, including declaring support for the AU Core profile by including its official URL in the server’s element
  • SHALL be able to populate all profile elements that are mandatory and/or labelled Must Support as defined by that profile’s StructureDefinition.
  • SHALL implement the RESTful behaviour according to the FHIR specification, including read and search behaviour and required search parameters as defined in the AU Core CapabilityStatement.
  • SHALL specify the full capability details from the AU Core CapabilityStatement it claims to implement, including declaring support for the AU Core Profile’s FHIR RESTful transactions.

Declaring Conformance

Servers that implement Profile + Interaction Support declare conformance to the capability statement supported:

  • The server hosts a capability statement at [url]/metadata that is available to both authenticated and unauthenticated clients and that declares that AU Core is supported using CapabilityStatement.instantiates, as shown in the following fragment:

        "resourceType": "CapabilityStatement",
        "instantiates": [
        "rest": [
            "mode": "server",

Missing Data

There are situations when information for a particular data element is missing and the source system does not know reason for the absence of data.

If the source system does not have data for an element with a minimum cardinality = 0 (including elements labelled Must Support), the data element SHALL be omitted from the resource.

If the data element is a Mandatory element (in other words, where the minimum cardinality is > 0), the element SHALL be present even if the source system does not have data or know the reason for the absence of data. The core specification provides guidance for what to do in this situation, which is summarised below.

  1. For non-coded data elements including type Reference,
    • use the DataAbsentReason extension in the data type if the AU Core profile for that resource does not require a child element
    • if the AU Core profile mandates a child element, such as a valid identifier or reference, then the resource must contain that element otherwise the instance will not be conformant
    • use the code unknown - The value is expected to exist but is not known.

    Example: ExplanationOfBenefit resource where the patient’s insurance coverage is not available.

      "resourceType" : "ExplanationOfBenefit",
           "outcome" : "complete",
             "insurance" : [
                 "focal" : true,
                 "coverage" : {
                   "extension" : [
                       "url" : "",
                       "valueCode" : "unknown"
  2. For coded data elements:
    • example, preferred, or extensible binding strengths (CodeableConcept, or Coding datatypes):
      • if the source system has text but no coded data, only the text element is used.
        • for Coding datatypes, the text only data is represented as a display element.
      • if there is neither text or coded data:
        • the appropriate “unknown” concept code SHALL be present if the binding strength is extensible
        • if the value set does not have an appropriate “unknown” concept code, use unknown from the DataAbsentReason Code System.

        Example: AllergyIntolerance resource where the manifestation is unknown.

        "reaction" : [
            "manifestation" : [
                "coding" : [
                    "system" : "",
                    "code" : "unknown",
                    "display" : "unknown"
    • required binding strength (CodeableConcept or code datatypes):
      • the appropriate “unknown” concept code SHALL be present if available.
      • if the value set does not have the appropriate “unknown” concept code you must use a concept from the value set otherwise the instance will not be conformant.

        • For AU Core profiles, the following mandatory or conditionally mandatory* status elements with required binding have no appropriate “unknown” concept code:
          • AllergyIntolerance.clinicalStatus*
          • Condition.clinicalStatus*
          • Composition.status
          • DiagnosticReport.status
          • DocumentReference.status
          • Immunization.status

        *The clinicalStatus element is conditionally mandatory based on resource specific constraints.

Suppressed Data

In some circumstances, specific pieces of data may hidden due to security or privacy reasons.

Elements with a minimum cardinality = 0 (including elements labelled Must Support), the element SHALL be omitted from the resource if they are suppressed.

For mandatory elements (minimum cardinality is > 0), the element SHALL be populated but it may exceed the data requester’s access rights to know that the data is suppressed: