AU Core Implementation Guide
0.1.0-draft - Draft
This page is part of the AU Core Implementation Guide 0.1.0 Draft. It is based on AU Base 4.1.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
Official URL: | Version: 0.1.0-draft | |||
Standards status: Draft | Maturity Level: 0 | Computable Name: AUCoreProcedureCore | ||
Copyright/Legal: HL7 Australia© 2018+; Licensed Under Creative Commons No Rights Reserved. |
This profile sets minimum expectations for a Procedure resource to record, search, and fetch procedures associated with a patient. It is based on the AU Base Procedure profile and identifies the additional mandatory core elements, extensions, vocabularies and value sets that SHALL be present in the Procedure resource when conforming to this profile. It provides the floor for standards development for specific uses cases in an Australian context.
The following are supported usage scenarios for this profile:
provides an efficient way of supporting system interactions, e.g. restricting searches. Implementers need to understand that data categorisation is somewhat subjective. The categorisation applied by the source may not align with a receiver’s expectations.Procedure.status
is “completed”Procedure.reasonCode
, or a reference with Procedure.reasonReference
to a Condition or other resource.
with a reference to a Device resourceUsage:
Description of Profiles, Differentials, Snapshots and how the different presentations work.
This structure is derived from AUBaseProcedure
Name | Flags | Card. | Type | Description & Constraints |
Procedure | 0..* | AUBaseProcedure | A procedure in an Australian healthcare context | |
status | S | 1..1 | code | preparation | in-progress | not-done | on-hold | stopped | completed | entered-in-error | unknown |
statusReason | S | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Reason for current status |
category | S | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Classification of the procedure |
code | S | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | Identification of the procedure Binding: (extensible) |
subject | S | 1..1 | Reference(AU Core Patient) | Who the procedure was performed on |
encounter | S | 0..1 | Reference(AU Core Encounter) | Encounter created as part of |
performed[x] | S | 1..1 | dateTime, Period, string, Age, Range | When the procedure was performed |
recorder | S | 0..1 | Reference(AU Core Practitioner | AU Core PractitionerRole | AU Core Patient | AU Core RelatedPerson) | Who recorded the procedure |
asserter | S | 0..1 | Reference(AU Core Practitioner | AU Core PractitionerRole | AU Core Patient | AU Core RelatedPerson) | Person who asserts this procedure |
reasonCode | S | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Coded reason procedure performed |
reasonReference[x] | S | 0..* | Reference(AU Core Condition | AU Core Observation | AU Core Procedure | AU Core DocumentReference) | The justification that the procedure was performed |
bodySite | SC | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Target body sites Binding: (extensible) au-core-pro-04: If a coded body site is provided, at least one code shall be from SNOMED CT |
note | S | 0..* | Annotation | Additional information about the procedure |
Documentation for this format |
Path | Conformance | ValueSet |
Procedure.code | extensible | |
Procedure.bodySite | extensible | |
Id | Grade | Path(s) | Details | Requirements |
au-core-pro-04 | error | Procedure.bodySite | If a coded body site is provided, at least one code shall be from SNOMED CT : coding.exists() implies coding.where(system='').exists() |
Name | Flags | Card. | Type | Description & Constraints |
Procedure | 0..* | AUBaseProcedure | A procedure in an Australian healthcare context | |
implicitRules | ?!Σ | 0..1 | uri | A set of rules under which this content was created |
targetBodyStructure | 0..* | Reference(BodyStructure) | The target point for this procedure URL: | |
modifierExtension | ?! | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored |
status | ?!SΣ | 1..1 | code | preparation | in-progress | not-done | on-hold | stopped | completed | entered-in-error | unknown Binding: EventStatus (required): A code specifying the state of the procedure. |
statusReason | SΣ | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Reason for current status Binding: ProcedureNotPerformedReason(SNOMED-CT) (example): A code that identifies the reason a procedure was not performed. |
category | SΣ | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Classification of the procedure Binding: ProcedureCategoryCodes(SNOMEDCT) (example): A code that classifies a procedure for searching, sorting and display purposes. |
code | SΣ | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | Identification of the procedure Binding: (extensible) |
subject | SΣ | 1..1 | Reference(AU Core Patient) | Who the procedure was performed on |
encounter | SΣ | 0..1 | Reference(AU Core Encounter) | Encounter created as part of |
performed[x] | SΣ | 1..1 | When the procedure was performed | |
performedDateTime | dateTime | |||
performedPeriod | Period | |||
performedString | string | |||
performedAge | Age | |||
performedRange | Range | |||
recorder | SΣ | 0..1 | Reference(AU Core Practitioner | AU Core PractitionerRole | AU Core Patient | AU Core RelatedPerson) | Who recorded the procedure |
asserter | SΣ | 0..1 | Reference(AU Core Practitioner | AU Core PractitionerRole | AU Core Patient | AU Core RelatedPerson) | Person who asserts this procedure |
reasonCode | SΣ | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Coded reason procedure performed Binding: ProcedureReasonCodes (example): A code that identifies the reason a procedure is required. |
reasonReference | SΣ | 0..* | Reference(AU Core Condition | AU Core Observation | AU Core Procedure | AU Core DocumentReference) | The justification that the procedure was performed |
bodySite | SΣC | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Target body sites Binding: (extensible) au-core-pro-04: If a coded body site is provided, at least one code shall be from SNOMED CT |
note | S | 0..* | Annotation | Additional information about the procedure |
Documentation for this format |
Path | Conformance | ValueSet |
Procedure.status | required | EventStatus |
Procedure.statusReason | example | ProcedureNotPerformedReason(SNOMED-CT) |
Procedure.category | example | ProcedureCategoryCodes(SNOMEDCT) |
Procedure.code | extensible | |
Procedure.reasonCode | example | ProcedureReasonCodes |
Procedure.bodySite | extensible | |
Id | Grade | Path(s) | Details | Requirements |
au-core-pro-04 | error | Procedure.bodySite | If a coded body site is provided, at least one code shall be from SNOMED CT : coding.exists() implies coding.where(system='').exists() |
Name | Flags | Card. | Type | Description & Constraints | ||||
Procedure | 0..* | AUBaseProcedure | A procedure in an Australian healthcare context | |||||
id | Σ | 0..1 | id | Logical id of this artifact | ||||
meta | Σ | 0..1 | Meta | Metadata about the resource | ||||
implicitRules | ?!Σ | 0..1 | uri | A set of rules under which this content was created | ||||
language | 0..1 | code | Language of the resource content Binding: CommonLanguages (preferred): A human language.
| |||||
text | 0..1 | Narrative | Text summary of the resource, for human interpretation | |||||
contained | 0..* | Resource | Contained, inline Resources | |||||
Slices for extension | 0..* | Extension | Extension Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url | |||||
targetBodyStructure | 0..* | Reference(BodyStructure) | The target point for this procedure URL: | |||||
modifierExtension | ?! | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored | ||||
identifier | Σ | 0..* | Identifier | External Identifiers for this procedure | ||||
instantiatesCanonical | Σ | 0..* | canonical(PlanDefinition | ActivityDefinition | Measure | OperationDefinition | Questionnaire) | Instantiates FHIR protocol or definition | ||||
instantiatesUri | Σ | 0..* | uri | Instantiates external protocol or definition | ||||
basedOn | Σ | 0..* | Reference(CarePlan | ServiceRequest) | A request for this procedure | ||||
partOf | Σ | 0..* | Reference(Procedure | Observation | MedicationAdministration) | Part of referenced event | ||||
status | ?!SΣ | 1..1 | code | preparation | in-progress | not-done | on-hold | stopped | completed | entered-in-error | unknown Binding: EventStatus (required): A code specifying the state of the procedure. | ||||
statusReason | SΣ | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Reason for current status Binding: ProcedureNotPerformedReason(SNOMED-CT) (example): A code that identifies the reason a procedure was not performed. | ||||
category | SΣ | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Classification of the procedure Binding: ProcedureCategoryCodes(SNOMEDCT) (example): A code that classifies a procedure for searching, sorting and display purposes. | ||||
code | SΣ | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | Identification of the procedure Binding: (extensible) | ||||
subject | SΣ | 1..1 | Reference(AU Core Patient) | Who the procedure was performed on | ||||
encounter | SΣ | 0..1 | Reference(AU Core Encounter) | Encounter created as part of | ||||
performed[x] | SΣ | 1..1 | When the procedure was performed | |||||
performedDateTime | dateTime | |||||||
performedPeriod | Period | |||||||
performedString | string | |||||||
performedAge | Age | |||||||
performedRange | Range | |||||||
recorder | SΣ | 0..1 | Reference(AU Core Practitioner | AU Core PractitionerRole | AU Core Patient | AU Core RelatedPerson) | Who recorded the procedure | ||||
asserter | SΣ | 0..1 | Reference(AU Core Practitioner | AU Core PractitionerRole | AU Core Patient | AU Core RelatedPerson) | Person who asserts this procedure | ||||
performer | Σ | 0..* | BackboneElement | The people who performed the procedure | ||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations | |||||
modifierExtension | ?!Σ | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized | ||||
function | Σ | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Type of performance Binding: ProcedurePerformerRoleCodes (example): A code that identifies the role of a performer of the procedure. | ||||
actor | Σ | 1..1 | Reference(Practitioner | PractitionerRole | Organization | Patient | RelatedPerson | Device) | The reference to the practitioner | ||||
onBehalfOf | 0..1 | Reference(Organization) | Organization the device or practitioner was acting for | |||||
location | Σ | 0..1 | Reference(Location) | Where the procedure happened | ||||
reasonCode | SΣ | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Coded reason procedure performed Binding: ProcedureReasonCodes (example): A code that identifies the reason a procedure is required. | ||||
reasonReference | SΣ | 0..* | Reference(AU Core Condition | AU Core Observation | AU Core Procedure | AU Core DocumentReference) | The justification that the procedure was performed | ||||
bodySite | SΣC | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Target body sites Binding: (extensible) au-core-pro-04: If a coded body site is provided, at least one code shall be from SNOMED CT | ||||
outcome | Σ | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | The result of procedure Binding: ProcedureOutcomeCodes(SNOMEDCT) (example): An outcome of a procedure - whether it was resolved or otherwise. | ||||
report | 0..* | Reference(DiagnosticReport | DocumentReference | Composition) | Any report resulting from the procedure | |||||
complication | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Complication following the procedure Binding: Condition/Problem/DiagnosisCodes (example): Codes describing complications that resulted from a procedure. | |||||
complicationDetail | 0..* | Reference(Condition) | A condition that is a result of the procedure | |||||
followUp | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Instructions for follow up Binding: ProcedureFollowUpCodes(SNOMEDCT) (example): Specific follow up required for a procedure e.g. removal of sutures. | |||||
note | S | 0..* | Annotation | Additional information about the procedure | ||||
focalDevice | 0..* | BackboneElement | Manipulated, implanted, or removed device | |||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations | |||||
modifierExtension | ?!Σ | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized | ||||
action | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Kind of change to device Binding: ProcedureDeviceActionCodes (preferred): A kind of change that happened to the device during the procedure. | |||||
manipulated | 1..1 | Reference(Device) | Device that was changed | |||||
usedReference | 0..* | Reference(Device | Medication | Substance) | Items used during procedure | |||||
usedCode | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Coded items used during the procedure Binding: FHIRDeviceTypes (example): Codes describing items used during a procedure. | |||||
Documentation for this format |
Path | Conformance | ValueSet | ||||
Procedure.language | preferred | CommonLanguages
| ||||
Procedure.status | required | EventStatus | ||||
Procedure.statusReason | example | ProcedureNotPerformedReason(SNOMED-CT) | ||||
Procedure.category | example | ProcedureCategoryCodes(SNOMEDCT) | ||||
Procedure.code | extensible | | ||||
Procedure.performer.function | example | ProcedurePerformerRoleCodes | ||||
Procedure.reasonCode | example | ProcedureReasonCodes | ||||
Procedure.bodySite | extensible | | ||||
Procedure.outcome | example | ProcedureOutcomeCodes(SNOMEDCT) | ||||
Procedure.complication | example | Condition/Problem/DiagnosisCodes | ||||
Procedure.followUp | example | ProcedureFollowUpCodes(SNOMEDCT) | ||||
Procedure.focalDevice.action | preferred | ProcedureDeviceActionCodes | ||||
Procedure.usedCode | example | FHIRDeviceTypes |
Id | Grade | Path(s) | Details | Requirements |
au-core-pro-04 | error | Procedure.bodySite | If a coded body site is provided, at least one code shall be from SNOMED CT : coding.exists() implies coding.where(system='').exists() |
This structure is derived from AUBaseProcedure
Mandatory: 2 elements
Must-Support: 13 elements
This structure refers to these other structures:
Maturity: 0
Differential View
This structure is derived from AUBaseProcedure
Name | Flags | Card. | Type | Description & Constraints |
Procedure | 0..* | AUBaseProcedure | A procedure in an Australian healthcare context | |
status | S | 1..1 | code | preparation | in-progress | not-done | on-hold | stopped | completed | entered-in-error | unknown |
statusReason | S | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Reason for current status |
category | S | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Classification of the procedure |
code | S | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | Identification of the procedure Binding: (extensible) |
subject | S | 1..1 | Reference(AU Core Patient) | Who the procedure was performed on |
encounter | S | 0..1 | Reference(AU Core Encounter) | Encounter created as part of |
performed[x] | S | 1..1 | dateTime, Period, string, Age, Range | When the procedure was performed |
recorder | S | 0..1 | Reference(AU Core Practitioner | AU Core PractitionerRole | AU Core Patient | AU Core RelatedPerson) | Who recorded the procedure |
asserter | S | 0..1 | Reference(AU Core Practitioner | AU Core PractitionerRole | AU Core Patient | AU Core RelatedPerson) | Person who asserts this procedure |
reasonCode | S | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Coded reason procedure performed |
reasonReference[x] | S | 0..* | Reference(AU Core Condition | AU Core Observation | AU Core Procedure | AU Core DocumentReference) | The justification that the procedure was performed |
bodySite | SC | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Target body sites Binding: (extensible) au-core-pro-04: If a coded body site is provided, at least one code shall be from SNOMED CT |
note | S | 0..* | Annotation | Additional information about the procedure |
Documentation for this format |
Path | Conformance | ValueSet |
Procedure.code | extensible | |
Procedure.bodySite | extensible | |
Id | Grade | Path(s) | Details | Requirements |
au-core-pro-04 | error | Procedure.bodySite | If a coded body site is provided, at least one code shall be from SNOMED CT : coding.exists() implies coding.where(system='').exists() |
Key Elements View
Name | Flags | Card. | Type | Description & Constraints |
Procedure | 0..* | AUBaseProcedure | A procedure in an Australian healthcare context | |
implicitRules | ?!Σ | 0..1 | uri | A set of rules under which this content was created |
targetBodyStructure | 0..* | Reference(BodyStructure) | The target point for this procedure URL: | |
modifierExtension | ?! | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored |
status | ?!SΣ | 1..1 | code | preparation | in-progress | not-done | on-hold | stopped | completed | entered-in-error | unknown Binding: EventStatus (required): A code specifying the state of the procedure. |
statusReason | SΣ | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Reason for current status Binding: ProcedureNotPerformedReason(SNOMED-CT) (example): A code that identifies the reason a procedure was not performed. |
category | SΣ | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Classification of the procedure Binding: ProcedureCategoryCodes(SNOMEDCT) (example): A code that classifies a procedure for searching, sorting and display purposes. |
code | SΣ | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | Identification of the procedure Binding: (extensible) |
subject | SΣ | 1..1 | Reference(AU Core Patient) | Who the procedure was performed on |
encounter | SΣ | 0..1 | Reference(AU Core Encounter) | Encounter created as part of |
performed[x] | SΣ | 1..1 | When the procedure was performed | |
performedDateTime | dateTime | |||
performedPeriod | Period | |||
performedString | string | |||
performedAge | Age | |||
performedRange | Range | |||
recorder | SΣ | 0..1 | Reference(AU Core Practitioner | AU Core PractitionerRole | AU Core Patient | AU Core RelatedPerson) | Who recorded the procedure |
asserter | SΣ | 0..1 | Reference(AU Core Practitioner | AU Core PractitionerRole | AU Core Patient | AU Core RelatedPerson) | Person who asserts this procedure |
reasonCode | SΣ | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Coded reason procedure performed Binding: ProcedureReasonCodes (example): A code that identifies the reason a procedure is required. |
reasonReference | SΣ | 0..* | Reference(AU Core Condition | AU Core Observation | AU Core Procedure | AU Core DocumentReference) | The justification that the procedure was performed |
bodySite | SΣC | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Target body sites Binding: (extensible) au-core-pro-04: If a coded body site is provided, at least one code shall be from SNOMED CT |
note | S | 0..* | Annotation | Additional information about the procedure |
Documentation for this format |
Path | Conformance | ValueSet |
Procedure.status | required | EventStatus |
Procedure.statusReason | example | ProcedureNotPerformedReason(SNOMED-CT) |
Procedure.category | example | ProcedureCategoryCodes(SNOMEDCT) |
Procedure.code | extensible | |
Procedure.reasonCode | example | ProcedureReasonCodes |
Procedure.bodySite | extensible | |
Id | Grade | Path(s) | Details | Requirements |
au-core-pro-04 | error | Procedure.bodySite | If a coded body site is provided, at least one code shall be from SNOMED CT : coding.exists() implies coding.where(system='').exists() |
Snapshot View
Name | Flags | Card. | Type | Description & Constraints | ||||
Procedure | 0..* | AUBaseProcedure | A procedure in an Australian healthcare context | |||||
id | Σ | 0..1 | id | Logical id of this artifact | ||||
meta | Σ | 0..1 | Meta | Metadata about the resource | ||||
implicitRules | ?!Σ | 0..1 | uri | A set of rules under which this content was created | ||||
language | 0..1 | code | Language of the resource content Binding: CommonLanguages (preferred): A human language.
| |||||
text | 0..1 | Narrative | Text summary of the resource, for human interpretation | |||||
contained | 0..* | Resource | Contained, inline Resources | |||||
Slices for extension | 0..* | Extension | Extension Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url | |||||
targetBodyStructure | 0..* | Reference(BodyStructure) | The target point for this procedure URL: | |||||
modifierExtension | ?! | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored | ||||
identifier | Σ | 0..* | Identifier | External Identifiers for this procedure | ||||
instantiatesCanonical | Σ | 0..* | canonical(PlanDefinition | ActivityDefinition | Measure | OperationDefinition | Questionnaire) | Instantiates FHIR protocol or definition | ||||
instantiatesUri | Σ | 0..* | uri | Instantiates external protocol or definition | ||||
basedOn | Σ | 0..* | Reference(CarePlan | ServiceRequest) | A request for this procedure | ||||
partOf | Σ | 0..* | Reference(Procedure | Observation | MedicationAdministration) | Part of referenced event | ||||
status | ?!SΣ | 1..1 | code | preparation | in-progress | not-done | on-hold | stopped | completed | entered-in-error | unknown Binding: EventStatus (required): A code specifying the state of the procedure. | ||||
statusReason | SΣ | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Reason for current status Binding: ProcedureNotPerformedReason(SNOMED-CT) (example): A code that identifies the reason a procedure was not performed. | ||||
category | SΣ | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Classification of the procedure Binding: ProcedureCategoryCodes(SNOMEDCT) (example): A code that classifies a procedure for searching, sorting and display purposes. | ||||
code | SΣ | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | Identification of the procedure Binding: (extensible) | ||||
subject | SΣ | 1..1 | Reference(AU Core Patient) | Who the procedure was performed on | ||||
encounter | SΣ | 0..1 | Reference(AU Core Encounter) | Encounter created as part of | ||||
performed[x] | SΣ | 1..1 | When the procedure was performed | |||||
performedDateTime | dateTime | |||||||
performedPeriod | Period | |||||||
performedString | string | |||||||
performedAge | Age | |||||||
performedRange | Range | |||||||
recorder | SΣ | 0..1 | Reference(AU Core Practitioner | AU Core PractitionerRole | AU Core Patient | AU Core RelatedPerson) | Who recorded the procedure | ||||
asserter | SΣ | 0..1 | Reference(AU Core Practitioner | AU Core PractitionerRole | AU Core Patient | AU Core RelatedPerson) | Person who asserts this procedure | ||||
performer | Σ | 0..* | BackboneElement | The people who performed the procedure | ||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations | |||||
modifierExtension | ?!Σ | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized | ||||
function | Σ | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Type of performance Binding: ProcedurePerformerRoleCodes (example): A code that identifies the role of a performer of the procedure. | ||||
actor | Σ | 1..1 | Reference(Practitioner | PractitionerRole | Organization | Patient | RelatedPerson | Device) | The reference to the practitioner | ||||
onBehalfOf | 0..1 | Reference(Organization) | Organization the device or practitioner was acting for | |||||
location | Σ | 0..1 | Reference(Location) | Where the procedure happened | ||||
reasonCode | SΣ | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Coded reason procedure performed Binding: ProcedureReasonCodes (example): A code that identifies the reason a procedure is required. | ||||
reasonReference | SΣ | 0..* | Reference(AU Core Condition | AU Core Observation | AU Core Procedure | AU Core DocumentReference) | The justification that the procedure was performed | ||||
bodySite | SΣC | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Target body sites Binding: (extensible) au-core-pro-04: If a coded body site is provided, at least one code shall be from SNOMED CT | ||||
outcome | Σ | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | The result of procedure Binding: ProcedureOutcomeCodes(SNOMEDCT) (example): An outcome of a procedure - whether it was resolved or otherwise. | ||||
report | 0..* | Reference(DiagnosticReport | DocumentReference | Composition) | Any report resulting from the procedure | |||||
complication | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Complication following the procedure Binding: Condition/Problem/DiagnosisCodes (example): Codes describing complications that resulted from a procedure. | |||||
complicationDetail | 0..* | Reference(Condition) | A condition that is a result of the procedure | |||||
followUp | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Instructions for follow up Binding: ProcedureFollowUpCodes(SNOMEDCT) (example): Specific follow up required for a procedure e.g. removal of sutures. | |||||
note | S | 0..* | Annotation | Additional information about the procedure | ||||
focalDevice | 0..* | BackboneElement | Manipulated, implanted, or removed device | |||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations | |||||
modifierExtension | ?!Σ | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized | ||||
action | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Kind of change to device Binding: ProcedureDeviceActionCodes (preferred): A kind of change that happened to the device during the procedure. | |||||
manipulated | 1..1 | Reference(Device) | Device that was changed | |||||
usedReference | 0..* | Reference(Device | Medication | Substance) | Items used during procedure | |||||
usedCode | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Coded items used during the procedure Binding: FHIRDeviceTypes (example): Codes describing items used during a procedure. | |||||
Documentation for this format |
Path | Conformance | ValueSet | ||||
Procedure.language | preferred | CommonLanguages
| ||||
Procedure.status | required | EventStatus | ||||
Procedure.statusReason | example | ProcedureNotPerformedReason(SNOMED-CT) | ||||
Procedure.category | example | ProcedureCategoryCodes(SNOMEDCT) | ||||
Procedure.code | extensible | | ||||
Procedure.performer.function | example | ProcedurePerformerRoleCodes | ||||
Procedure.reasonCode | example | ProcedureReasonCodes | ||||
Procedure.bodySite | extensible | | ||||
Procedure.outcome | example | ProcedureOutcomeCodes(SNOMEDCT) | ||||
Procedure.complication | example | Condition/Problem/DiagnosisCodes | ||||
Procedure.followUp | example | ProcedureFollowUpCodes(SNOMEDCT) | ||||
Procedure.focalDevice.action | preferred | ProcedureDeviceActionCodes | ||||
Procedure.usedCode | example | FHIRDeviceTypes |
Id | Grade | Path(s) | Details | Requirements |
au-core-pro-04 | error | Procedure.bodySite | If a coded body site is provided, at least one code shall be from SNOMED CT : coding.exists() implies coding.where(system='').exists() |
This structure is derived from AUBaseProcedure
Mandatory: 2 elements
Must-Support: 13 elements
This structure refers to these other structures:
Maturity: 0
Other representations of profile: CSV, Excel, Schematron
Below is an overview of the mandatory and optional search parameters. FHIR search operations and the syntax used to describe the interactions is described here.
Name | Type | Conformance | Description | Path |
The following search parameters and search parameter combinations SHALL be supported:
The following search parameters and search parameter combinations SHOULD be supported: