AU Core Implementation Guide
1.0.0-ballot - Ballot Australia flag

This page is part of the AU Core (v1.0.0-ballot: AU Core R1 Ballot 7) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. . For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions


Page standards status: Informative

This page lists all ValueSets and CodeSystems supported as part of AU Core.

As well as terminology defined in FHIR, this specification supports terminology defined in AU Base or National Clinical Terminology Service (NCTS) terminology resources.

Value Sets

This implementation guide does not define any unique value sets. The value sets used in this guide are defined in the base FHIR specification, AU Base, or NCTS.

The list below shows the value sets bound as preferred or greater to a supported element, element slice, or extension.

ValueSet Profile where used Published
ActEncounterCode - AU Extended AU Core Encounter AU Base
AdministrativeGender AU Core Patient FHIR
AddressUse AU Core Location, AU Core Organization, AU Core Patient FHIR
AddressType AU Core Location, AU Core Organization, AU Core Patient FHIR
Adverse Reaction Agent AU Core AllergyIntolerance NCTS
Adverse Reaction Substances and Negated Findings AU Core AllergyIntolerance NCTS
AllergyIntolerance Clinical Status Codes AU Core AllergyIntolerance FHIR
AllergyIntolerance Verification Status Codes AU Core AllergyIntolerance FHIR
AllergyIntoleranceSeverity AU Core AllergyIntolerance FHIR
Australian Immunisation Register Vaccine AU Core Immunization NCTS
Australian Indigenous Status AU Core Patient NCTS
Australian Medication AU Core MedicationRequest, AU Core Medication NCTS
Australian Medicines Terminology Vaccine AU Core Immunization NCTS
Australian Pronouns Individual Pronouns NCTS
Australian States and Territories AU Core Location, AU Core Organization, AU Core Patient NCTS
Biological Sex AU Core Sex Assigned At Birth NCTS
Body Length Units AU Core Body Height, AU Core Waist Circumference FHIR
Body Temperature Units AU Core Body Temperature FHIR
Body Weight Units AU Core Body Weight FHIR
Clinical Condition AU Core Condition NCTS
Clinical Finding AU Core AllergyIntolerance, AU Core Condition NCTS
Clinical Specialty AU Core PractitionerRole NCTS
Common Languages in Australia AU Core Patient, AU Core Practitioner NCTS
Condition/Diagnosis Severity AU Core Condition FHIR
ConditionCategoryCodes AU Core Condition FHIR
ConditionClinicalStatusCodes AU Core Condition FHIR
ConditionVerificationStatus AU Core Condition FHIR
ContactPointSystem AU Core Organization, AU Core Patient, AU Core PractitionerRole FHIR
ContactPointUse AU Core Organization, AU Core Patient, AU Core PractitionerRole FHIR
DataAbsentReason AU Core Pathology Result Observation, AU Core Heart Rate, AU Core Body Height, AU Core Blood Pressure, AU Core Respiration Rate, AU Core Body Weight, AU Core Waist Circumference, AU Core Body Temperature, AU Core Diagnostic Result Observation, AU Core Smoking Status FHIR
DVA Entitlement AU Core Patient AU Base
Encounter Reason Codes AU Core Encounter FHIR
EncounterStatus AU Core Encounter FHIR
EventStatus AU Core Procedure FHIR
Gender Identity Response Individual Gender Identity NCTS
Healthcare Organisation Role Type AU Core Organization NCTS
hl7VS-degreeLicenseCertificate - AU Extended AU Core Practitioner AU Base
hl7VS-identifierType - AU Extended AU Core Organization AU Base
hl7VS-providerRole - AU Extended AU Core Immunization AU Base
IdentifierUse AU Core Patient FHIR
Immunization Status Codes AU Core Immunization FHIR
Indicator of Hypersensitivity or Intolerance to Substance AU Core AllergyIntolerance NCTS
Individual Healthcare Identifier Record Status AU Core Patient NCTS
Location Type (Physical) - AU Extended AU Core Location AU Base
LocationMode AU Core Location FHIR
LocationStatus AU Core Location FHIR
Medication request intent AU Core MedicationRequest FHIR
Medicationrequest status AU Core MedicationRequest FHIR
Metric Body Length Units AU Core Body Height, AU Core Waist Circumference NCTS
Metric Body Weight Units AU Core Body Weight NCTS
NameUse AU Core Patient, AU Core Practitioner FHIR
Observation Category Codes AU Core Pathology Result Observation, AU Core Heart Rate, AU Core Body Height, AU Core Blood Pressure, AU Core Respiration Rate, AU Core Body Weight, AU Core Waist Circumference, AU Core Body Temperature, AU Core Diagnostic Result Observation, AU Core Smoking Status FHIR
Observation Interpretation Codes AU Core Pathology Result Observation, AU Core Diagnostic Result Observation FHIR
Observation Reference Range Meaning Codes AU Core Pathology Result Observation, AU Core Diagnostic Result Observation FHIR
ObservationStatus AU Core Blood Pressure, AU Core Body Height, AU Core Body Temperature, AU Core Body Weight, AU Core Diagnostic Result Observation, AU Core Heart Rate, AU Core Pathology Result Observation, AU Core Respiration Rate, AU Core Smoking Status, AU Core Waist Circumference FHIR
Participant type AU Core Encounter FHIR
PBS Item Codes AU Core MedicationRequest, AU Core Medication AU Base
Practitioner Role AU Core PractitionerRole NCTS
Procedure AU Core Procedure NCTS
QuantityComparator AU Core Blood Pressure, AU Core Body Height, AU Core Body Temperature, AU Core Body Weight, AU Core Diagnostic Result Observation, AU Core Heart Rate, AU Core Pathology Result Observation, AU Core Respiration Rate, AU Core Waist Circumference FHIR
RCPA SPIA Pathology Reporting AU Core Pathology Result Observation NCTS
Reason for Request AU Core MedicationRequest NCTS
Route of Administration AU Core MedicationRequest NCTS
Service Type AU Core Encounter NCTS
ServiceDeliveryLocationRoleType - AU Extended AU Core Location AU Base
Smoking Status AU Core Smoking Status NCTS
SNOMED CT Additional Dosage Instructions AU Core MedicationRequest FHIR
SNOMED CT Administration Method Codes AU Core MedicationRequest FHIR
Vital Signs Units AU Core Heart Rate, AU Core Body Height, AU Core Blood Pressure, AU Core Respiration Rate, AU Core Body Weight, AU Core Waist Circumference, AU Core Body Temperature FHIR
VitalSigns AU Core Heart Rate, AU Core Body Height, AU Core Blood Pressure, AU Core Respiration Rate, AU Core Body Weight, AU Core Waist Circumference, AU Core Body Temperature FHIR

Code systems

This implementation guide does not define any unique code systems. The code systems used in this guide are defined in the base FHIR specification, AU Base, or NCTS.

The list below shows the code systems used in the value sets above.

CodeSystem ValueSet where used Published
ActCode AU ActEncounterCode - AU Extended AU Base
ActCode ActEncounterCode FHIR
AddressUse AddressUse FHIR
AddressType AddressType FHIR
AdministrativeGender AdministrativeGender FHIR
AllergyIntolerance Clinical Status Codes AllergyIntolerance Clinical Status Codes FHIR
AllergyIntolerance Verification Status AllergyIntolerance Verification Status Codes FHIR
AllergyIntoleranceSeverity AllergyIntoleranceSeverity FHIR
Australian Immunisation Register Vaccine Australian Immunisation Register Vaccine NCTS
Australian Indigenous Status Australian Indigenous Status NCTS
Australian States and Territories Australian States and Territories NCTS
Condition Category Codes Condition Category Codes FHIR
Condition Clinical Status Codes Condition Clinical Status Codes FHIR
ConditionVerificationStatus ConditionVerificationStatus FHIR
ContactPointSystem ContactPointSystem FHIR
ContactPointUse ContactPointUse FHIR
DataAbsentReason Australian Pronouns, Gender Identity Response, DataAbsentReason FHIR
DegreeLicenseCertificate AU hl7VS-degreeLicenseCertificate - AU Extended AU Base
EncounterStatus EncounterStatus FHIR
EventStatus EventStatus FHIR
IdentifierType AU DVA Entitlement, hl7VS-identifierType - AU Extended AU Base
identifierType hl7VS-identifierType - AU Extended FHIR
IdentifierUse IdentifierUse FHIR
Location Type (Physical) AU Location Type (Physical) - AU Extended AU Base
Location Type AU ServiceDeliveryLocationRoleType - AU Extended AU Base
LocationMode LocationMode FHIR
LocationStatus LocationStatus FHIR
LOINC Australian Pronouns, RCPA SPIA Pathology Reporting, Vital Signs NCTS, FHIR
Medication request intent Medication request intent FHIR
MedicationRequest status Medicationrequest status FHIR
NameUse NameUse FHIR
Observation Category Codes Observation Category Codes FHIR
Observation Reference Range Meaning Codes Observation Reference Range Meaning Codes FHIR
ObservationStatus ObservationStatus FHIR
ParticipationType Participant type FHIR
PBS Item Codes PBS Item Codes AU Base
providerRole AU hl7VS-providerRole - AU Extended AU Base
providerRole hl7VS-providerRole - AU Extended FHIR
QuantityComparator QuantityComparator FHIR
RoleCode ServiceDeliveryLocationRoleType - AU Extended FHIR
SNOMED CT (Australian extension) Adverse Reaction Agent, Adverse Reaction Substances and Negated Findings, Australian Medication, Australian Medicines Terminology (AMT) Vaccine, Biological Sex, Clinical Condition, Clinical Finding, Clinical Specialty, Encounter Reason Codes, Gender Identity Response, Healthcare Organisation Role Type, Indicator of Hypersensitivity or Intolerance to Substance, PractitionerRole, Procedure, Reason for Request, Route of Administration, Service Type, Smoking Status, SNOMED CT Additional Dosage Instructions, SNOMED CT Administration Method Codes NCTS, FHIR
Tags for the Identification of Languages Common Languages in Australia FHIR
Unified Code for Units of Measure (UCUM) BodyLengthUnits, BodyWeightUnits, Metric Body Length Units, Metric Body Weight Units FHIR
v3 Code System ObservationInterpretation Observation Category Codes FHIR
v3 Code System ParticipationType Participant type FHIR

Concept Maps

See the FHIR terminology section for a complete discussion on concept maps and a list of concept map names used in FHIR. Most concept maps relevant to this guide are defined in the base FHIR specification or AU Base. The following concept maps are unique to this guide.

Concept maps published in the NCTS