AU Core Implementation Guide
1.0.0-ballot - Ballot Australia flag

This page is part of the AU Core (v1.0.0-ballot: AU Core R1 Ballot 7) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. . For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

CapabilityStatement: AU Core Requester CapabilityStatement

Official URL: Version: 1.0.0-ballot
Standards status: Draft Maturity Level: 1 Computable Name: AUCoreRequesterCapabilityStatement

Copyright/Legal: Used by permission of HL7 International, all rights reserved Creative Commons License. HL7 Australia© 2022+; Licensed Under Creative Commons No Rights Reserved.

This CapabilityStatement describes the basic rules for the AU Core Requester actor that is responsible for creating and initiating the queries for information. The complete list of FHIR profiles, RESTful operations, and search parameters supported by AU Core Requesters are defined in this CapabilityStatement.

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AU Core Requester CapabilityStatement

  • Implementation Guide Version: 1.0.0-ballot
  • FHIR Version: 4.0.1
  • Supported Formats: SHALL support json, SHOULD support xml
  • Supported Patch Formats: SHOULD support application/json-patch+json
  • Published on: 2024-08-05
  • Published by: HL7 Australia - FHIR Working Group

Note to Implementers: FHIR Capabilities

Any FHIR capability may be 'allowed' by the system unless explicitly marked as "SHALL NOT". A few items are marked as MAY in the Implementation Guide to highlight their potential relevance to the use case.

SHALL support the following Implementation Guides

SHOULD support the following Implementation Guides

FHIR RESTful Capabilities

Mode: client

The AU Core Requester SHALL:

  1. Support the AU Core Patient resource profile.

  2. Support at least one additional resource profile from the list of AU Core Profiles.

  3. Implement the RESTful behavior according to the FHIR specification.

  4. Support JSON source formats for all AU Core interactions.

The AU Core Requester SHOULD:

  1. Support XML source formats for all AU Core interactions.
  1. See the Security and Privacy page for AU Core security requirements.
Summary of System-wide interactions
  • MAY support the transaction interaction.
  • MAY support the batch interaction.
  • MAY support the search-system interaction.
  • MAY support the history-system interaction.

Capabilities by Resource/Profile


The summary table lists the resources that are part of this configuration, and for each resource it lists:

  • The relevant profiles (if any)
  • The interactions supported by each resource ( R ead, S earch, U pdate, and C reate, are always shown, while VR ead, P atch, D elete, H istory on I nstance, or H istory on T ype are only present if at least one of the resources has support for them.
  • The required, recommended, and some optional search parameters (if any).
  • The linked resources enabled for _include
  • The other resources enabled for _revinclude
  • The operations on the resource (if any)
Resource Type Profile R S U C Searches _include _revinclude Operations
AllergyIntolerance y y clinical-status, patient, patient.identifier, patient+clinical-status
Condition y y category, clinical-status, code, onset-date, patient, patient.identifier, patient+category, patient+category+clinical-status, patient+clinical-status, patient+code, patient+onset-date
Encounter y y class, date, location, patient, patient.identifier, patient+class, patient+date, patient+location, patient+status, status
Immunization y y date, patient, patient.identifier, patient+date, patient+status, patient+vaccine-code, status, vaccine-code
Location y y address, address-city, address-postalcode, address-state, identifier, name
Medication y
MedicationRequest y y _id, authoredon, intent, patient, patient.identifier, patient+intent, patient+intent+authoredon, patient+intent+status, status MedicationRequest:medication
Observation,,,,,,,,, y y category, code, date, patient, patient.identifier, patient+category, patient+category+date, patient+category+status, patient+code, patient+code+date, status
Organization y y _id, address, identifier, name
Patient y y _id, birthdate, birthdate+family, birthdate+name, family, family+gender, gender, gender+name, identifier, indigenous-status, name, gender-identity
Practitioner y y _id, identifier, name
PractitionerRole y y _id, identifier, organization, practitioner, practitioner.identifier, specialty PractitionerRole:practitioner
Procedure y y code, date, patient, patient.identifier, patient+code+date, patient+date, patient+status, status

Resource Conformance: SHOULDAllergyIntolerance

Profile Conformance
Reference Policy

Interaction summary
  • SHALL support read,search-type.
  • MAY support create,update,delete,vread,patch,history-instance.


If the requester supports the AllergyIntolerance resource, the requester SHALL support the AU Core profile and the conformance expectations for the AllergyIntolerance resource.

Search Parameters
Conformance Parameter Type Documentation
SHALL patient reference

The requester SHALL provide at least an id value and MAY provide both the Type and id values.

The responder SHALL support both.

SHOULD patient.identifier reference.token

The requester SHALL provide both the system and code values.

The responder SHALL support both.

The requester SHOULD support search using IHI, Medicare Number, and DVA Number identifiers as defined in the AU Core Patient profile.

The responder SHOULD support search using the using IHI, Medicare Number, and DVA Number identifiers as defined in the AU Core Patient profile.

MAY clinical-status token

The requester SHALL provide at least a code value and MAY provide both the system and code values.

The responder SHALL support both.

Combined Search Parameters
Conformance Parameters Types
SHOULD patient+ clinical-status reference+ token

Resource Conformance: SHOULDCondition

Profile Conformance
Reference Policy

Interaction summary
  • SHALL support read,search-type.
  • MAY support create,update,delete,vread,patch,history-instance.


If the requester supports the Condition resource, the requester SHALL support the AU Core profile and the conformance expectations for the Condition resource.

Search Parameters
Conformance Parameter Type Documentation
SHALL patient reference

The requester SHALL provide at least an id value and MAY provide both the Type and id values.

The responder SHALL support both.

SHOULD patient.identifier reference.token

The requester SHALL provide both the system and code values.

The responder SHALL support both.

The requester SHOULD support search using IHI, Medicare Number, and DVA Number identifiers as defined in the AU Core Patient profile.

The responder SHOULD support search using the using IHI, Medicare Number, and DVA Number identifiers as defined in the AU Core Patient profile.

MAY category token

The requester SHALL provide at least a code value and MAY provide both the system and code values.

The responder SHALL support both.

MAY clinical-status token

The requester SHALL provide at least a code value and MAY provide both the system and code values.

The responder SHALL support both.

MAY code token

The requester SHALL provide at least a code value and MAY provide both the system and code values.

The responder SHALL support both.

The requester SHOULD support multipleOr.

The responder SHOULD support multipleOr.

MAY onset-date date

The requester SHALL provide a value precise to the second + time offset.

The responder SHALL support a value precise to the second + time offset.

The requester SHALL support these search comparators gt, lt, ge, le.

The responder SHALL support these search comparators gt, lt, ge, le.

The requester SHOULD support multipleAnd, and if multipleAnd is supported, SHALL support the search comparators gt, lt, ge, le.

The responder SHOULD support multipleAnd, and if multipleAnd is supported, SHALL support the search comparators gt, lt, ge, le.

Combined Search Parameters
Conformance Parameters Types
SHALL patient+ clinical-status reference+ token
SHALL patient+ category reference+ token
SHOULD patient+ category+ clinical-status reference+ token+ token
SHOULD patient+ code reference+ token
SHOULD patient+ onset-date reference+ date

Resource Conformance: SHOULDEncounter

Profile Conformance
Reference Policy

Interaction summary
  • SHALL support read,search-type.
  • MAY support create,update,delete,vread,patch,history-instance.


If the requester supports the Encounter resource, the requester SHALL support the AU Core profile and the conformance expectations for the Encounter resource.

The Encounter resource can communicate the clinical indication using either a code in Encounter.reasonCode or a reference using Encounter.reasonReference. Although both Encounter.reasonCode and Encounter.reasonReference are marked as Must Support, a responder is not required to support both but SHALL support at least one of these elements. The requester SHALL support both elements.

Search Parameters
Conformance Parameter Type Documentation
SHALL patient reference

The requester SHALL provide at least an id value and MAY provide both the Type and id values.

The responder SHALL support both.

SHOULD patient.identifier reference.token

The requester SHALL provide both the system and code values.

The responder SHALL support both.

The requester SHOULD support search using IHI, Medicare Number, and DVA Number identifiers as defined in the AU Core Patient profile.

The responder SHOULD support search using the using IHI, Medicare Number, and DVA Number identifiers as defined in the AU Core Patient profile.

MAY class token

The requester SHALL provide at least a code value and MAY provide both the system and code values.

The responder SHALL support both.

MAY date date

The requester SHALL provide a value precise to the second + time offset.

The responder SHALL support a value precise to the second + time offset.

The requester SHALL support these search comparators gt, lt, ge, le.

The responder SHALL support these search comparators gt, lt, ge, le.

The requester SHOULD support multipleAnd, and if multipleAnd is supported, SHALL support the search comparators gt, lt, ge, le.

The responder SHOULD support multipleAnd, and if multipleAnd is supported, SHALL support the search comparators gt, lt, ge, le.

MAY location reference

The requester SHALL provide at least an id value and MAY provide both the Type and id values.

The responder SHALL support both.

MAY status token

The requester SHALL provide at least a code value and MAY provide both the system and code values.

The responder SHALL support both.

The requester SHALL support multipleOr.

The responder SHALL support multipleOr.

Combined Search Parameters
Conformance Parameters Types
SHALL patient+ date reference+ date
SHOULD patient+ class reference+ token
SHOULD patient+ location reference+ reference
SHOULD patient+ status reference+ token

Resource Conformance: SHOULDImmunization

Profile Conformance
Reference Policy

Interaction summary
  • SHALL support read,search-type.
  • MAY support create,update,delete,vread,patch,history-instance.


If the requester supports the Immunization resource, the requester SHALL support the AU Core profile and the conformance expectations for the Immunization resource.

Search Parameters
Conformance Parameter Type Documentation
SHALL patient reference

The requester SHALL provide at least an id value and MAY provide both the Type and id values.

The responder SHALL support both.

SHOULD patient.identifier reference.token

The requester SHALL provide both the system and code values.

The responder SHALL support both.

The requester SHOULD support search using IHI, Medicare Number, and DVA Number identifiers as defined in the AU Core Patient profile.

The responder SHOULD support search using the using IHI, Medicare Number, and DVA Number identifiers as defined in the AU Core Patient profile.

MAY date date

The requester SHALL provide a value precise to the second + time offset.

The responder SHALL support a value precise to the second + time offset.

The requester SHALL support these search comparators gt, lt, ge, le.

The responder SHALL support these search comparators gt, lt, ge, le.

The requester SHOULD support multipleAnd, and if multipleAnd is supported, SHALL support the search comparators gt, lt, ge, le.

The responder SHOULD support multipleAnd, and if multipleAnd is supported, SHALL support the search comparators gt, lt, ge, le.

MAY status token

The requester SHALL provide at least a code value and MAY provide both the system and code values.

The responder SHALL support both.

MAY vaccine-code token

The requester SHALL provide at least a code value and MAY provide both the system and code values.

The responder SHALL support both.

Combined Search Parameters
Conformance Parameters Types
SHOULD patient+ date reference+ date
SHALL patient+ status reference+ token
MAY patient+ vaccine-code reference+ token

Resource Conformance: SHOULDLocation

Profile Conformance
Reference Policy

Interaction summary
  • SHALL support read,search-type.
  • MAY support create,update,delete,vread,patch,history-instance.


If the requester supports the Location resource, the requester SHALL support the AU Core profile and the conformance expectations for the Location resource.

Search Parameters
Conformance Parameter Type Documentation
SHALL address string
SHALL name string
SHOULD address-city string
SHOULD address-state string
SHOULD address-postalcode string
MAY identifier token

The requester SHALL provide at least a code value and MAY provide both the system and code values.

The responder SHALL support both.

Resource Conformance: SHOULDMedication

Profile Conformance
Reference Policy

Interaction summary
  • SHALL support read.
  • MAY support search-type,create,update,delete,vread,patch,history-instance.


MedicationAdministration, MedicationDispense, MedicationRequest, and MedicationStatement resources can represent a medication, using an external reference to a Medication resource. If the requester supports the Medication resource, the requester SHALL support the AU Core profile and the conformance expectations for the Medication resource.

Resource Conformance: SHOULDMedicationRequest

Profile Conformance
Reference Policy

Interaction summary
  • SHALL support read,search-type.
  • MAY support create,update,delete,vread,patch,history-instance.


If the requester supports the MedicationRequest resource, the requester SHALL support the AU Core profile and the conformance expectations for the MedicationRequest resource.

The MedicationRequest resources can represent a medication using either a code or refer to the Medication resource. When referencing Medication, the resource may be contained or an external resource. The responder MAY choose any one way or more than one method, but if an external reference to Medication is used, the responder SHALL support the _include parameter for searching this element. The requester application SHALL support all methods.

The MedicationRequest resource can communicate the clinical indication using either a code in MedicationRequest.reasonCode or a reference using MedicationRequest.reasonReference. Although both MedicationRequest.reasonCode and MedicationRequest.reasonReference are marked as Must Support, a responder is not required to support both but SHALL support at least one of these elements. The requester SHALL support both elements.

Search Parameters
Conformance Parameter Type Documentation
SHOULD _id token
SHALL patient reference

The requester SHALL provide at least an id value and MAY provide both the Type and id values.

The responder SHALL support both.

SHOULD patient.identifier reference.token

The requester SHALL provide both the system and code values.

The responder SHALL support both.

The requester SHOULD support search using IHI, Medicare Number, and DVA Number identifiers as defined in the AU Core Patient profile.

The responder SHOULD support search using the using IHI, Medicare Number, and DVA Number identifiers as defined in the AU Core Patient profile.

MAY authoredon date

The requester SHALL provide a value precise to the second + time offset.

The responder SHALL support a value precise to the second + time offset.

The requester SHALL support these search comparators gt, lt, ge, le.

The responder SHALL support these search comparators gt, lt, ge, le.

The requester SHOULD support multipleAnd, and if multipleAnd is supported, SHALL support the search comparators gt, lt, ge, le.

The responder SHOULD support multipleAnd, and if multipleAnd is supported, SHALL support the search comparators gt, lt, ge, le.

MAY intent token

The requester SHALL provide at least a code value and MAY provide both the system and code values.

The responder SHALL support both.

MAY status token

The requester SHALL provide at least a code value and MAY provide both the system and code values.

The responder SHALL support both.

The requester SHALL support multipleOr.

The responder SHALL support multipleOr.

Combined Search Parameters
Conformance Parameters Types
SHALL patient+ intent reference+ token
SHOULD patient+ intent+ authoredon reference+ token+ date
SHALL patient+ intent+ status reference+ token+ token

Resource Conformance: SHOULDObservation

Interaction summary
  • SHALL support read,search-type.
  • MAY support create,update,delete,vread,patch,history-instance.


If the requester supports the Observation resource, the requester SHALL support the AU Core profile and the conformance expectations for the Observation resource.

Search Parameters
Conformance Parameter Type Documentation
SHALL patient reference

The requester SHALL provide at least an id value and MAY provide both the Type and id values.

The responder SHALL support both.

SHOULD patient.identifier reference.token

The requester SHALL provide both the system and code values.

The responder SHALL support both.

The requester SHOULD support search using IHI, Medicare Number, and DVA Number identifiers as defined in the AU Core Patient profile.

The responder SHOULD support search using the using IHI, Medicare Number, and DVA Number identifiers as defined in the AU Core Patient profile.

MAY category token

The requester SHALL provide at least a code value and MAY provide both the system and code values.

The responder SHALL support both.

The requester SHALL support search using the category code defined in each profile supported.

The responder SHALL support search using the category code defined in each profile supported.

MAY code token

The requester SHALL provide at least a code value and MAY provide both the system and code values.

The responder SHALL support both.

The requester SHALL support search using the LOINC codes defined in each profile supported.

The responder SHALL support search using the LOINC codes defined in each profile supported.

The requester SHALL support multipleOr.

The responder SHALL support multipleOr.

MAY date date

The requester SHALL provide a value precise to the second + time offset.

The responder SHALL support a value precise to the second + time offset.

The requester SHALL support these search comparators gt, lt, ge, le.

The responder SHALL support these search comparators gt, lt, ge, le.

The requester SHOULD support multipleAnd, and if multipleAnd is supported, SHALL support the search comparators gt, lt, ge, le.

The responder SHOULD support multipleAnd, and if multipleAnd is supported, SHALL support the search comparators gt, lt, ge, le.

MAY status token

The requester SHALL provide at least a code value and MAY provide both the system and code values.

The responder SHALL support both.

The requester SHALL support multipleOr.

The responder SHALL support multipleOr.

Combined Search Parameters
Conformance Parameters Types
SHALL patient+ category reference+ token
SHALL patient+ category+ date reference+ token+ date
SHOULD patient+ category+ status reference+ token+ token
SHALL patient+ code reference+ token
SHOULD patient+ code+ date reference+ token+ date

Resource Conformance: SHOULDOrganization

Profile Conformance
Reference Policy

Interaction summary
  • SHALL support read,search-type.
  • MAY support create,update,delete,vread,patch,history-instance.


If the requester supports the Organization resource, the requester SHALL support the AU Core profile and the conformance expectations for the Organization resource.

Search Parameters
Conformance Parameter Type Documentation
SHALL identifier token

The requester SHALL provide at least a code value and SHOULD provide both the system and code values.

The responder SHALL support both.

The requester SHOULD support search using HPI-O and ABN identifiers as defined in the profile.

The responder SHOULD support search using HPI-O and ABN identifiers as defined in the profile.

SHOULD address string
SHOULD name string
SHOULD _id token

Resource Conformance: SHALLPatient

Profile Conformance
Reference Policy

Interaction summary
  • SHALL support read,search-type.
  • MAY support create,update,delete,vread,patch,history-instance.


The requester SHALL support the Patient resource, the AU Core profile, and the conformance expectations for the Patient resource.

Requesters SHALL be able to access the patient record using the following API call:

GET [url]/Patient/[id]

Requesters SHOULD use these search parameters that responders are required to support to access the patient record:

  • _id
  • identifier

responders are not required to support any additional search parameters, and requesters SHOULD NOT expect responders to do so.

Search Parameters
Conformance Parameter Type Documentation
SHALL _id token
SHALL identifier token

The requester SHALL provide both the system and code values.

The responder SHALL support both.

The requester SHOULD support search using IHI, Medicare Number, and DVA Number identifiers as defined in the AU Core Patient profile.

The responder SHOULD support search using the using IHI, Medicare Number, and DVA Number identifiers as defined in the AU Core Patient profile.

SHOULD name string
SHOULD family string
MAY birthdate date

The requester SHALL provide a value precise to the day offset.

The responder SHALL support a value precise to the day offset.

The requester SHOULD support these search comparators gt, lt, ge, le.

The responder SHOULD support these search comparators gt, lt, ge, le.

The requester SHOULD support multipleAnd, and if multipleAnd is supported, SHALL support the search comparators gt, lt, ge, le.

The responder SHOULD support multipleAnd, and if multipleAnd is supported, SHALL support the search comparators gt, lt, ge, le.

MAY gender token

The requester SHALL provide at least a code value and MAY provide both the system and code values.

The responder SHALL support both.

MAY indigenous-status token

The requester SHALL provide at least a code value and MAY provide both the system and code values.

The responder SHALL support both.

MAY gender-identity token

The requester SHALL provide at least a code value and MAY provide both the system and code values.

The responder SHALL support both.

Combined Search Parameters
Conformance Parameters Types
SHOULD birthdate+ family date+ string
SHOULD birthdate+ name date+ string
SHOULD family+ gender string+ token
SHOULD gender+ name reference+ string

Resource Conformance: SHOULDPractitioner

Profile Conformance
Reference Policy

Interaction summary
  • SHALL support read,search-type.
  • MAY support create,update,delete,vread,patch,history-instance.


If the requester supports the Practitioner resource, the requester SHALL support the AU Core profile and the conformance expectations for the Practitioner resource.

Servers that support only the Practitioner resource SHALL provide implementation specific guidance how to access a provider’s location and contact information using only the Practitioner resource.

Search Parameters
Conformance Parameter Type Documentation
SHALL identifier token

The requester SHALL provide both the system and code values.

The responder SHALL support both.

The requester SHOULD support search using a HPI-I identifier as defined in the profile.

The responder SHOULD support search using a HPI-I identifier as defined in the profile.

SHOULD name string
SHOULD _id token

Resource Conformance: SHOULDPractitionerRole

Profile Conformance
Reference Policy

Interaction summary
  • SHALL support read,search-type.
  • MAY support create,update,delete,vread,patch,history-instance.


If the requester supports the PractitionerRole resource, the requester SHALL support the AU Core profile and the conformance expectations for the PractitionerRole resource.

Even though AU Core Profiles allow both PractitionerRole and Practitioner to be referenced, because PractitionerRole supplies a provider’s location, contact information, and reference to the Practitioner, it SHOULD be referenced instead of the Practitioner resource.

Search Parameters
Conformance Parameter Type Documentation
SHALL identifier token

The requester SHALL provide both the system and code values.

The responder SHALL support both.

The requester SHOULD support search using a Medicare Provider Number identifier as defined in the profile.

The responder SHOULD support search using a Medicare Provider Number identifier as defined in the profile.

SHALL practitioner reference

The requester SHALL provide at least an id value and MAY provide both the Type and id values.

The responder SHALL support both.

SHOULD practitioner.identifier reference.token

The requester SHALL provide at least a code value and SHOULD provide both the system and code values.

The responder SHALL support both.

The requester SHOULD support search using a HPI-I identifier as defined in the AU Core Practitioner profile.

The responder SHOULD support search using a HPI-I identifier as defined in the AU Core Practitioner profile.

SHOULD _id token
SHOULD specialty token

The requester SHALL provide at least a code value and MAY provide both the system and code values.

The responder SHALL support both.

MAY organization reference

The requester SHALL provide at least an id value and MAY provide both the Type and id values.

The responder SHALL support both.

Resource Conformance: SHOULDProcedure

Profile Conformance
Reference Policy

Interaction summary
  • SHALL support read,search-type.
  • MAY support create,update,delete,vread,patch,history-instance.


If the requester supports the Procedure resource, the requester SHALL support the AU Core profile and the conformance expectations for the Procedure resource.

The Procedure resource can communicate the clinical indication using either a code in Procedure.reasonCode or a reference using Procedure.reasonReference. Although both Procedure.reasonCode and Procedure.reasonReference are marked as Must Support, a responder is not required to support both but SHALL support at least one of these elements. The requester SHALL support both elements.

Search Parameters
Conformance Parameter Type Documentation
SHALL patient reference

The requester SHALL provide at least an id value and MAY provide both the Type and id values.

The responder SHALL support both.

SHOULD patient.identifier reference.token

The requester SHALL provide both the system and code values.

The responder SHALL support both.

The requester SHOULD support search using IHI, Medicare Number, and DVA Number identifiers as defined in the AU Core Patient profile.

The responder SHOULD support search using the using IHI, Medicare Number, and DVA Number identifiers as defined in the AU Core Patient profile.

MAY code token

The requester SHALL provide at least a code value and MAY provide both the system and code values.

The responder SHALL support both.

The requester SHOULD support multipleOr.

The responder SHOULD support multipleOr.

MAY date date

The requester SHALL provide a value precise to the second + time offset.

The responder SHALL support a value precise to the second + time offset.

The requester SHALL support these search comparators gt, lt, ge, le.

The responder SHALL support these search comparators gt, lt, ge, le.

The requester SHOULD support multipleAnd, and if multipleAnd is supported, SHALL support the search comparators gt, lt, ge, le.

The responder SHOULD support multipleAnd, and if multipleAnd is supported, SHALL support the search comparators gt, lt, ge, le.

MAY status token

The requester SHALL provide at least a code value and MAY provide both the system and code values.

The responder SHALL support both.

The requester SHALL support multipleOr.

The responder SHALL support multipleOr.

Combined Search Parameters
Conformance Parameters Types
SHALL patient+ date reference+ date
SHOULD patient+ code+ date reference+ token+ date
SHOULD patient+ status reference+ token