Union of http://terminology.hl7.org.au/CodeSystem/service-provision-conditions and http://terminology.hl7.org.au/CodeSystem/service-provision-conditions

This is the CodeSystem that contains all the codes in Service Provision Conditions Australian Concepts (http://terminology.hl7.org.au/CodeSystem/service-provision-conditions) and Service Provision Conditions Australian Concepts (http://terminology.hl7.org.au/CodeSystem/service-provision-conditions). E.g. what you have to deal with if you get resources containing codes in either of them


Generated Narrative: CodeSystem a7422e88-6cb0-442c-9a38-c3e76fc5682a-44

This code system http://hl7.org/fhir/comparison/CodeSystem/a7422e88-6cb0-442c-9a38-c3e76fc5682a-44 defines codes, but no codes are represented here

NFE No FeeAll or some of the services provided are offered free of charge.
NFM No Fee (means tested)All or some of the services provided are offered free of charge, however the decision on the costs associated with the service or procedures offered will depend on a means test outcome.
BBO Bulk Billing OnlyBulk Billing is offered under Medicare.
FAP Fees ApplyAll or some of the services provided are offered at the Healthcare Service
DON By DonationAll or some of the services provided are offered on a donation basis. The expectation on the donation is not defined.
COP Co-paymentAll or some of the services provided are subject to a co-payment, which may be in combination with Private Insurance.
FBB Fees and Bulk BillingAll or some of the services provided are offered subject to a payment in combination with Bulk Billing.